Friday, August 24, 2007

Africa: Pope's New Encyclical to Declare Tax Evasion Socially Unjust

Catholic Information Service for Africa (Nairobi)
14 August 2007
Pope Benedict XVI is working on his second doctrinal pronouncement that will condemn tax evasion as "socially unjust", according to Vatican sources. The pontiff will denounce the use of "tax havens" and offshore bank accounts by wealthy individuals, since this reduces tax revenues for the benefit of society as a whole, The Times Online reports. The new encyclical will focus on humanity's social and economic problems in an era of globalisation. Pope Benedict intends to argue for a world trade and economic system "regulated in such a way as to avoid further injustice and discrimination", said Ignazio Ingrao, a Vatican watcher. The encyclical, drafted during his recent holiday in the mountains of northern Italy, takes its cue from Pope Paul VI's encyclical Populorum Progressio (On the Development of Peoples), issued 40 years ago. Paul VI focused on "those peoples who are striving to escape from hunger, misery, endemic diseases and ignorance and are looking for a wider share in the benefits of civilisation". He called on the West to promote an equitable world economic system based on social justice rather than profit.

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